Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!!!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their continued support! Although I may not be there with my friends and family over Christmas, please know that I think of you everyday and hope you are all doing well. I can't wait to break bread and share a drink with all of you when I get home!

For us here in Afghanistan Christmas routines will vary. My gang here C troop of the 1/71 Cav had a feast! Most of us a got a well deserved day to rest and contact family. We have been very busy of late and a quiet day is just what we all needed.

So before I start to ramble on I will leave you with a Christmas card and few Christmas photos of today!

Merry Christmas All!

A Virtual Christmas Card. (Thank You PowerPoint!)

Who says we don't have a sense of humour? Would you like to mess with Santa and his Reindeer on Christmas?.....I think not!

OC C Troop & Acting First Sgt Serve Christmas Dinner from the field kitchen.


  1. That picture of your "sleigh" is hilarious Santa.

    Let me know when you get your package.

    Love K.

  2. Hope all is well Son and you were able to bring the New Year in as well as can be expected. Stay Safe, Strong and be Proud to be a Canuck
    Love Pop's

  3. Stay safe...Let us know when you get your package from the RMR Cadet Corps. And the dog cookies are for Aggie ,not for you :)

    Rolanda Murphy

  4. Kassandra:

    I did receive your package! Thank You very much for the Hoodie, the books and the wet ones! The wedding photos look amazing! Thanks again!


    Thank You very much for such a generous package! Please send my thanks to everyone from the RMR cadet Core, for their generosity. I will sure snap a few photos of me and Aggie while she enjoys some of the treats you sent as well!

    Thanks Again!
