Friday, December 17, 2010


Sorry for the lack of fresh content folks, I have been busy lately and that is a good thing. Busy generally makes time fly by and in this particular case it has! It hard to believe that it has been a month already since I left Canada. Although my first month on the ground has been eventful I can really only comment on one particular change since my previous tour; the temperature.
From 11am until 4 pm the temperature is ideal, it may even reach a high of 20 degrees Celsius! But when the sun goes down so does the temperature....drastically. It gets well bellow freezing every night and I can assure you it has made for some unpleasant late nights and early mornings. I would never have imagined I would be worried about freezing to death in Afghanistan!
This afternoon 2 of my buddies played a game of cricket with our interpreters. I will post some pictures of the game as soon as I edit the photos (I will need to black out the faces of our interpreters for their protection). I highly doubt there are any terrorists reading this blog........
A few pictures....
My new girlfriend"Aggie" keeps me company in the back of U.S. Army Combat Vehicle. Aggie is a working dog who is trained to sniff for explosives. She protects the lives of many of us on a daily basis... the price for such selfless loyalty? Nothing more then attention and maybe a small treat! This particular road move was long and terribly cold. Not a happy camper!


  1. Awesome pictures my man, we miss you a ton!


  2. Love the doggie! They are such good companions. Sometimes...I like dogs more than people.

    xox Miss you,

  3. Sometimes I like cats more than people. We all know who sent this.

  4. We sent dog treats in your care package for Aggie!!

    Cadet Corps 2862 of the RMR all send best wishes!!

  5. You think the dog can sniff out a few razor blades and some buttons for those sleeves. hihihi

  6. lol, Yvan, I got a good laugh at that one, but yes she tried and she couldn't find either. I was really hoping she could..... I guess the war must go on! Hope you are well!
