Thursday, October 8, 2009

So close yet so far....

How time flies.....I just realised that its been about 2 weeks since my last post. I guess posting on this thing has been less of a priority lately, we have been pretty busy and I am very thankful for that. It seems like yesterday we were all looking forward to the first of October.
Here's what's new:

- The temperature has dropped significantly at nights and actually makes early morning runs pleasant

-We are starting to see a lot of new faces around here and hearing a lot less French, this is a very good sign of what's to come.

-Trying to catch hockey games in this time zone means waking up at 03h30..and makes for a long day especially when the Leafs lose.

Enjoy the photos 9er Tac Roto 7 Team Photo 9er Tac again....Me & the Canadian Expeditionary Forces Commander

Sgt Jesse Kantor enjoys his coffe with Joe in Panjwayi

Me & Joe in Belanday

MCpl Joe (Panjwayi) For the Sgt and his followers...


  1. Hi Brent you look tired. Not to long now! Sent me an email sometime.Keep a clear mind, stay sharp get some rest. Be strong,safe and proud! Looking forward to seeing you. Lot's of love Dad!!

  2. Are the leafs worth waking up for? Can't you just watch a few games from last year and it will be the outcome? Zing!

    Miss you! Can you call on Thanksgiving?

  3. Uhh... I guess a few of us noticed you hadn't posted recently! No worries...
    This 'Kass' person is smart: the Leafs really aren't worth waking up for -- in any time zone!!
    Stay safe, cheers!
