Saturday, October 10, 2009

CBC Photo

I found this photo on CBC.CA while reading the following article: I realised that I was in this photo (3rd from the left with the radio antenna). This was a patrol we were doing in the Dand District in the month of June.


  1. Cool! Si célèbre.....

    Happy Thanksgiving! What do you guys get up to? Turkey? Pumpkin Pie?

    Lots of Love


  2. Happy Thanksgiving Brent- I will be thinking of you and giving a toast for a safe return to our great country. Love Pop's

  3. We have much to be thankful for in Canada and very much of that is due to our dedicated Armed Forces. Thinking of you often Brent. See you soon. Happy Thanksgiving to you.
    Love Aunt Crystal

  4. Ever since I read this I have noticed that pic associated with several articles in regards to Afghanistan... You are famous Bro!

    I personally don't find the photo gives this shit hole of a Country justice!? It looks to lush and green in this photo, you don't get the sense that if you breath through your mouth you are inhaling dried out feces in powder dust form without the luxury of nose hairs to filter at least some of it out HaHa

