How time flies.....I just realised that its been about 2 weeks since my last post. I guess posting on this thing has been less of a priority lately, we have been pretty busy and I am very thankful for that. It seems like yesterday we were all looking forward to the first of October.
Here's what's new:
- The temperature has dropped significantly at nights and actually makes early morning runs pleasant
-We are starting to see a lot of new faces around here and hearing a lot less French, this is a very good sign of what's to come.
-Trying to catch hockey games in this time zone means waking up at 03h30..and makes for a long day especially when the Leafs lose.
Enjoy the photos
9er Tac Roto 7 Team Photo
9er Tac again....
Me & the Canadian Expeditionary Forces Commander
Sgt Jesse Kantor enjoys his coffe with Joe in Panjwayi
Me & Joe in Belanday
MCpl Joe (Panjwayi)
For the Sgt and his followers...