Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Freedom Calculator.....Moral in .XLS format

Note: The attached photo does not in anyway shape or form reflect the The Canadian Forces or any of its personnel. Also the dates have been changed for Operational Security, the dates in the photo represent my birthday and Christmas and in no way are actual deployment or departure dates. Lastly for those who may find this offensive...too bad!
Well now that you all have read the disclaimer, let me explain. You may be wondering how we keep track of how long we have left in this country seeing everyday is groundhog day, well I introduce you to..... The Freedom Calculator!
This brilliant Microsoft Excel document allows you to keep track of how much time you have left in theatre. This user friendly spreadsheet even comes with visual aides to help promote the well being of the troops. For those who have ridiculously boring jobs and don't get out of the office much (Alan Vincent et al [BURN]) it even calculates down to the minute!

Yup that's right, those old fashion times of crossing the days off the calander are long gone. Simply type in your arrival and departure dates and it will update your "Sentence Served" automaticaly. Isn't technology wonderful?


  1. Mother F****r! Weren't you whining the other day about being put in front of an RWS screen for the rest of the tour?! Have fun with your video game... me personally, if I wanted to see Afghanistan through a screen, I would have stayed home and watched it on the news!

    Sh!t, I gotta get with the times... I have been doing it "old school" and been crossing off days on the calendar. Where do I find this thing??? it is going on my desktop!

  2. I am not looking at a sreen anymore, it was 1 day. Also, you seem to be seeing Afghanistan VIA my blog. I have a mag on in all my photos because where we go there are bad guys... Do you just get kitted up in your ISO and snap photos of yourself???

  3. No, I just don't have time to take tourist shots while working. My eyes are where they are supposed to be looking not fiddling with a camera.
