Monday, July 6, 2009

Dog days of summer..

So, now that summer is in full swing, there seems to be no hidding from the heat, we have just accepted the fact that our lives suck and we should probably drink more water.....photographic evidence below. I think I drank 5 liters of water during this 3 hour patrol...maybe I should drink more. Those familiar with Kandahar City will recognize this landmark. However the top was recently somewhat destroyed by insurgent RPGs......Two polar opposites chill in the shade. I think they are brothers.
Me and "Killer" chilling in the Dan District


  1. Love the puppy. Is he homeless?

  2. The puppy may have been homeless, but it like all dogs are adopted by Canadians, this one really isnt a puppy he is just small but you try telling that to him. He freaks out and chases your ankles!

  3. I love the dogs! Do they hang around you the whole time? New best friends.

  4. Still waiting to know whether its Mr. Noodle you want. I can then send you some stuff. Chop chop McNair!
