For those of you standing, I suggest you take a seat as you read this terrible news. I know this may be shocking to people but....Michael Jackson is dead. I know I know I was crushed too. The king of pop is dead. Is it murder? Overdose? I do believe a more appropriate question would be: does anybody really freakin' care?
We pampered soldiers over here in Afghanistan have the luxury of 2 pre-programmed TV stations for us to watch in the dinning halls. I have been livid that despite the copious amounts of news worthy international news at our fingertips, North American media choses to plaster us with about a months worth of B.S. on Michael Jackson. Which brings to my point. When is it bed time at Neverland Ranch? Well its when the big hand touches the little hand.....No wait that wasn't my point. My point was this; doesn't the media in this communication era have a responsibility to perhaps air pertinent news with global implications. So how does this really tie into my situation here in Afghanistan besides irritating me during meals. Well the kids I say!
Kids are always the best to talk to, they are young and therefore have very limited life experience which generally means that they have not yet been indoctrinated and or infused with the grudges and tribal riffs that create so many problems in Afghanistan. They really represent a pure form of humanity with almost zero influence from outside their small world. No foreign TV, No foreign movies....just Afghanistan, their families and Allah. So while having a conversation with one of these kids through an interpreter I asked him what he thought of Michael Jackson death. He looked at me as if I was stupid (which I do not blame him for asking such a stupid question), and then said who was Michael Jackson? Finally, this child hit the nail on the head. Who the heck is this guy and why did we give a crap. Then we ate watermelon....