Friday, June 12, 2009

Broken From Baseball?

Is it possible to develop a case of tendinitis from one game of recreational beer league baseball?? The answer is yes. For those of you who do not believe me, you try playing 4 different positions in the outfield at once. Yes you may be questioning the validity of my self diagnosis, however I talked to several people in the medical field and after their initial reactions (often laughter, disbelief etc) they said it could very well be the case. So why write a post about this now? Your guess is as good as mine. I guess I am just warning all those recreational baseball players out yourself.

When things around here get busy (AKA CRAZY), we look forward to some downtime. A chance to write emails, make some phone calls and even annoy friends and family with posting useless information on blogs (the latter I am never guilty of). Time off is often like an oasis, you see it just up ahead but you never ever get to it. Well sometimes fortunes change and you do get that down time, what do you do when there's nothing to do. You can only watch the same movies and read so much. I often find myself dare I say it.....bored.