For those who are not regular followers of current events ( Erica Booth for one), this week another Canadian Soldier was killed.
Pte. Alexandre
Péloquin member for the 3rd Battalion of the R22
eR was killed while on operation.
We will remember...People often ask if its scary out here or do I worry. I can honestly say that I am not scared when we are out and about and have zeros worries. Our build up training was progressive, current and second to none, I have full confidence in those I work with on a daily basis. What is probably the scariest thing is when we know there has been a Canadian Soldier killed and we have to wait until the name is released. That time is probably the most stressful simply because (I speak for myself) my greatest fear is that it could very well be one of my f
riends. Some friends I haven't seen since I left Canada.
Things have begun to get interesting as its been about a week since I have been back in K.C. The weather is still getting hotter and the dust doesn't seem to be going away (see attached photos for examples). When air conditioners are fully functional yet not in the slightest lowering the temperature of a vehicle you know its hot.
As far as other news goes: I have almost finished the book
Buying On Time by
Antanas Sileika, rarely do I read fiction but I ordered this book from on the
recommendation of my friend Danny (who is currently in Afghanistan with me and it just so happens his father is the Author). So far the book has been great. For those of you who are dying to send me packages and is my address:
N29 829 168 / McNair / BA / Cpl
9er Tac
Camp Nathan Smith
PO BOX 5005
Belleville, On
Feel free to send whatever you wish.
I will sign off for now. Feel free to comment on any of my posts, if you want you can even post questions that I can answer assuming they are within the limitations of what I can say!
This is not snow. Its is the flash reflecting off all the dust in the air........paradise.
Its much cooler at night...actually its a nice temperature!